作者:管理员    发布于:2015-05-21 09:03:18    文字:【】【】【



发表于201456月日  标签:动物,健康

珀斯的研究人员正在进行突破性的研究,探讨鸸鹋油是否可以口服,以治疗可导致肠癌的发病。Suzanne Mashtoub博士,来自澳大利亚西部大学医学院,她已获得由Cancer Council WA发放的25000美元的补助金。






Emu oil cancer hope

Posted on 06 May 2014. Tags: Animals, Health

APerthresearcher is conducting ground-breaking research to investigate whether emu oil can be taken orally to treat diseases that can lead to the onset of bowel cancer.

Suzanne Mashtoub, from the School of Medicine and Pharmacology at University of Western Australia,has been awarded a $25,000 grant by the Cancer Council WA.Dr Mashtoub is the only researcher in the world looking at the use of emu oil as an internal treatment for bowel diseases.

 “My primary aim with this research is to investigate whether emu oil can reduce inflammation and repair damage in the bowel caused by ulcerative colitis,and subsequently monitor if we can then prevent the development of bowel cancer,” Dr Mashtoub said.

She said emu oil was used for thousands of years by Indigenous people to provide relief from pain,and more recently some research has highlighted the benefits of topical applications of emu oil to treat inflammatory skin conditions such as arthritis.

Dr Mashtoub started exploring this field of research during her honours year at university and she has developed a passion for improving the quality of life for patients suffering from these diseases.

 “I’m also looking at experimenting with different batches of emu oil and making sure that the efficacy of emu oil is consistent regardless of where it comes from,” she said.

The research is lab based and expected to be completed by early next year.Dr Mashtoub is hoping clinical trials will not be too far off.

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